miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

El amor son esos detalles......

Porque el AMOR hay que cuidarlo, hay que mimarlo, hay que regarlo y hay que encontrarle siempre un rato para disfrutarlo, queremos ayudaros  a que pases una velada inolvidable con tu pareja  (reserva aquí).
Nosotros haremos lo posible para que así sea. Solo tienes que venir con tu media naranja y dejarte llevar.

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

#Paris in #Barcelona

París. La ciudad del amor, la ciudad de las luces, centro de las vanguardias artísticas, capital de la moda. La capital francesa es un referente, uno de esos lugares donde la historia ha escrito páginas y páginas para la eternidad.
La Fnac Arenas también se ha enamorado de esta ciudad con tantas cosas que contar. Hasta el 15 de febrero puede disfrutarse de fotografías que repasan años de acontecimientos. Todo el arte que se gestó en un lugar donde la gente se sentía libre y podía encontrar todo lo que quisiera. Pero también las más brutales escenas durante la ocupación nazi.

Imágenes tomadas por Robert CapaDaguerre o William Klein. La magia, la luz, la esperanza, pero también las épocas más oscuras de un París que enamora, que sufre, que casi parece sentir como un ser humano. La ciudad de la que muchos se enamoraron, la que siempre les quedará a Rick Blaine y a Sam en Casablanca.
(sugerido por www.kedin.es/barcelona)

Hasta el 15 de Febrero, de 10-20 h.. Entrada gratis. FNAC Arenas.

sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

Barcelona Gourmet Bus Tour with Dinner

Duration:3 hours
  • Spanish,
  • Chinese,
  • English,
  • French,
  • German,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Arabic,
  • Portuguese,
  • Russian

Enjoy one of Barcelona’s newest and most innovative tours, combining a panoramic sightseeing tour of one of the world’s most elegant cities, with an on-board, haute-cuisine dinner.


- Enjoy a sumptuous dinner prepared by a Michelin-starred chef

- See the sights of Barcelona from a luxury tour bus with panoramic glass roof

- Learn about the city sights from you individual iPad

Get personal attention from the multilingual tour bus and restaurant attendants

Make your  RESERVATION here.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

Water and Light Show at the Font Màgica

The Font Màgica of Barcelona – or Magic Fountain – offers you a delightful winter evening spectacle! During the long nights of the coming months, Barcelona’s Magic Fountain puts on a performance of water, light, color, and music to enchant the senses. Located in one of Barcelona’s central plazas, the two towers of Plaça Espanya and the stately Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya on Montjuïc offer a gorgeous backdrop to this water and light extravaganza. 

With a show on Fridays and Saturdays every half-hour from 19.00 to 20.30 stop by to watch one of Barcelona’s favorites – loved by locals and guests alike – to light up your winter nights.

jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Travel bloggers

From Sensation Apartments Barcelona  we want to work with those people who love to travel, discover, share and have become Travel Bloggers.
People who have blogs related to travel, stays, trends, traveling with children, family and cultural activities, etc..

It has to be active people in social networks with hundreds and hundreds of fans, who are willing to share a few days in our apartments, enjoy the stay and sharing their experience through networks.


- Being the owner and author of the blog and Twitter accounts, Facebook, Instagram and other social networks
- Any false authorship will void automatically and immediately supply
- Among the applications will be a selection process and always notify the winner via email
- The applicant may submit your application at any time, as it is a valid offer for the whole year (subject to availability).
. The agreed stay will be paid by Sensation Apartments, but we are not responsible for any additional cost of the trip (travel, food, etc.)
- The staying is for, maximum, 2 people.
- You must keep track on your blog and social networking, sharing photos, experiences, comments and impressions to readers.

 What steps should you follow?

Send an email to smm.sensation.apartments @ gmail.com with the following information:
- Full name and nationality
- URL of your blog
- Social networking accounts
- Explain a little your philosophy of life

If you like the idea, you fulfill these requirements and you want to meet us .... Send us the information, we value the request and if you fit the profile we are looking ...You can do your bags and come to spend a few days for free in Barcelona !

Member of:

Roscón de Reyes

  • 500 g de harina
  • 200 g de mantequilla
  • 76 g de azúcar
  • 25 g de levadura prensada
  • 3 g de sal
  • 5 huevos
  • 2 cucharadas de agua
  • ralladura de corteza de limón
  • frutas escarchadas para adornar
  • En primer lugar, ponemos la harina  en un montón encima de un mármol y le hacemos un hueco en el centro, justo el lugar donde colocaremos la levadura con el agua templada.
  • Hacemos una bola y la dejamos reposar en un sitio templado para que suba el doble, incorporando, seguidamente, los huevos, el azúcar y la sal. Amasamos fuertemente, añadimos más levadura y seguimos amasando. Agregamos la mantequilla.
  • A continuación, engrasamos una placa de horno con mantequilla, ponemos la masa en forma de roscón y la tapamos con un paño grueso dejándola reposar hasta que crezca el doble, más o menos de 2 a 3 horas.
  • Pintamos la masa con huevo batido y lo adornamos con frutas escarchadas y montoncitos de azúcar. Por último, lo metemos al horno a 200 ºC durante 30 minutos y lo decoramos con la típica corona de cartón o de chocolate.

He aquí el roscón de Reyes,
tradición de un gran banquete,
en el cual hay dos sorpresas
para los que tengan suerte.

En él hay muy bien ocultas
una haba y una figura;
el que lo vaya a cortar
hágalo sin travesuras.

Quien al comerlo se encuentre
una cosa un tanto dura
a lo peor es la haba
a lo mejor es la figura.

Si es la haba lo encontrado
este postre pagarás,
mas si ello es la figura
coronado y Rey serás.


Three Kings Parade

On 5 January each year, Spain’s villages, towns and cities receive the traditional, joyful visit of the Three Wise Men of the East. 
We are talking about the Three Kings, Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar, who bring good cheer and presents to children at Christmas. Bring your children to Spain and discover our traditions together, as well as the latest attractions for the little ones at this time of year.

To make sure your children experience our traditions to the full, there is one thing they should not miss: the letter to the Three Kings that children all over Spain write. Get them to write down a list of presents that they would like to receive this year for being good. Then, they just have to give their letter in before 5 January to one of the royal pages at shopping centres and city squares around Spain. What is more, simply walking around the streets will be great fun for them, because they are decorated with coloured lights and Christmas trees, and all the shop windows are filled with toys.

          The parade

The most important moment comes on the afternoon of 5 January, when Three Kings Parades get underway throughout Spain. It is an exciting experience, representing the journey made by the Three Kings on their camels, following the star to the Bethlehem stable where Jesus was born. Take your children to this spectacle, where a large number of floats carry not only the Three Kings, but also a host of weird and wonderful characters who throw sweets into the crowd and will have your children dreaming of Christmas. Whichever destination you choose, you will find a traditional parade. In Barcelona the Three Kings arrive by boat;  here is a tip to make the experience even more enjoyable: take an umbrella, turn it upside down and your children will be able to use it to catch loads of sweets!

Presents and the “roscón”

According to tradition, on the night of 5 January, children should go to bed early, but not before leaving their shoes out so that the Three Kings can fill them with presents when they come to the house. What is more, in some households people leave a small glass of anisette to give the Kings strength on their long journey. The following day is the feast of the Three Kings, and children get up early to enjoy their presents. Get everything organised so that your kids can enjoy the fun too. Furthermore, on 6 January most restaurants and hotels in Spain prepare special menus accompanied by the typical seasonal dessert: ROSCÓN DE REYES (Epiphany Cake). Another anecdote? All these sweets (many of which are filled with cream, truffle, etc.) have a surprise hidden inside. Whoever finds it will have a year filled with happiness.