viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

The Picasso Museum celebrates its 50th anniversary

50th anniversary of the museum: 

open doors accompanied by the staff!

A unique way of getting to know the museum!

In March 1963, several Catalan figures from the world of politics and art received a letter from the Mayor of Barcelona at the time, Josep Maria Porcioles, inviting them to the official opening of an exhibition on the collection that Jaume Sabartés had given the city "at the Palau de Berenguer de Aguilar in C/ Montcada, nº 15". The event is seen as the origins to what everyone now knows as the Picasso Museum.

The history of the museum
Archives such as this can be seen in the exhibition "The Picasso Museum, 50 years in Barcelona. Origins", which looks back at the running of the project to create a museum on the work of Picasso.
The Malaga-born painter enjoyed strong ties with Barcelona throughout his life. It was here that the artist wanted his museum to be located and he himself brought it a large number of works.

Open day
This Saturday will mark precisely 50 years since the inauguration, which is why the Picasso Museum's management have decided to open it to the public. For that occasion, every member of staff at the centre will have to choose the Picasso work they like most and discuss it with the visitors during the open day.

Future plans
The Picasso Museum is one of the most popular in Barcelona, receiving a million visits every year. The Picasso Museum Foundation has been created to mark its 50th anniversary and it will be working to raise the profile of the work of Picasso internationally, while making them more accessible to the public.

To celebrate this event, on the day of our 50th anniversary we invite you to visit the permanent collection presented by the staff of the museum from various ambits (conservation, publications, education, communication, security, etc.) who will share a vision of the works from their personal and professional experience.
  • Open doors day: from 10am to 8pm
  • Languages: Spanish and Catalan
  • Presentations from:11:00am to 1:20pm and from 5:00pm to 7.20pm
Admission free of charge, limited capacity